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[Junit] Elasticsearch Unit(Integration) Test Code 작성하기

by inbeom 2024. 1. 23.
Spring에서 Junit을 사용하여 Elasticsearch 테스트 코드를 작성하는 방법



Spring 프로젝트에서 Junit으로 Test Code를 작성할 때 RDB(Mysql, Postgresql, Orcle 등)는 JPA나 MyBatis의 Queyr(method)를 사용하여 결과값을 간단히 검증할 수 있지만 Elasticsearch의 경우 org.elasticsearch에서 제공하는 Library를 활용하여 TEST CODE를 효율적으로 작성할 수 있다.


기존에는 ES 임베디드 환경을 사용하여 테스트가 가능했지만 7.0 버전부터 사용이 불가능해진 것으로 보이며 ES의 개발자가 대안으로 RestHighLevelClient를 사용한 In Memory 테스트 방법을 추천한다.



ES Embedded in 7.0

Is it possible to run ES embedded in 7.0? I am running into the same situation described in this previous thread. One of the participants mentioned that running ES embedded is deprecated in 7.0. I didn't see any mention of this in the release notes or brea




통합(Integration) 테스트 예시

 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
package es.example.test.integration;

import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.then;

import org.elasticsearch.action.search.SearchResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.search.SearchHit;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase.ClusterScope;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase.Scope;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.ThreadLeakScope;

@ClusterScope(scope = Scope.SUITE) // TestSuite에 대한 Elasticsearch 클러스터의 범위 지정
@ThreadLeakScope(ThreadLeakScope.Scope.NONE) // 테스트 중에 Thread 누수가 없어야 함을 지정
public class EsIntegrationTest extends ESIntegTestCase {

	private static final String TRACE_ID_FIELD = "traceID";
	private static final String TRACE_TYPE = "trace";
	private static final String OPEN_TRACE_INDEX = "traces";
	private static final String OPERATION_NAME_FIELD = "operationName";

	private Client client;

	public void setUp() throws Exception { // setup 함수를 override하여 client 세팅
		this.client = client();

	// ESIntegTestCase는 자체 AssertThat을 정의하는 junit Assert에서 상속되므로 
       // AssertJ AssertThat을 사용할 수 없지만 BDDAssertions.then을 사용할 수 있다. :)

	@Test //Todo. operationName 기준 TEST CASE
	public void search_open_tracing_traces_by_operationName() throws Exception {
		// GIVEN
		final String operationName = randomOperationName();
		indexOpenTraceDocument(randomTraceID(), operationName);
		indexOpenTraceDocument(randomTraceID(), operationName);

		// WHEN
		final SearchResponse response = searchOpenTracesByOperationName(operationName);

		// THEN
				.allSatisfy(hit -> then(hit).containsEntry(OPERATION_NAME_FIELD, operationName));

	@Test //Todo. traceID 기준 TEST CASE
	public void search_open_tracing_traces_by_traceID() throws Exception {
		// GIVEN
		final String traceID = randomTraceID();
		indexOpenTraceDocument(traceID, randomOperationName());
		indexOpenTraceDocument(traceID, randomOperationName());

		// WHEN
		final SearchResponse response = searchOpenTracesByTraceID(traceID);

		// THEN
				.allSatisfy(hit -> then(hit).containsEntry(TRACE_ID_FIELD, traceID));

	private String randomTraceID() {
		return randomAlphaOfLengthBetween(1, 50);

	private String randomOperationName() {
		return randomAlphaOfLengthBetween(1, 50);

	// operationName으로 데이터 조회
	private SearchResponse searchOpenTracesByOperationName(final String operationName) {
		return this.client.prepareSearch(OPEN_TRACE_INDEX)
				.setQuery(QueryBuilders.commonTermsQuery(OPERATION_NAME_FIELD, operationName))

	// traceID로 데이터 조회
	private SearchResponse searchOpenTracesByTraceID(final String traceID) {
		return this.client.prepareSearch(OPEN_TRACE_INDEX)
				.setQuery(QueryBuilders.commonTermsQuery(TRACE_ID_FIELD, traceID))

    // 초기 Test 데이터 생성 함수.
	private void indexOpenTraceDocument(final String traceID, final String operationName) throws Exception {
		this.client.prepareIndex(OPEN_TRACE_INDEX, TRACE_TYPE)
				.setSource(generateOpenTrace(traceID, operationName), XContentType.JSON)
		// refreshes the index otherwise we would not find anything

    // 테스트 데이터 반환
	private static String generateOpenTrace(final String traceID, final String operationName) {
		return "{\n" +
				"   \"traceID\": \"" + traceID + "\",\n" +
				"   \"spanID\": \"3b1237777ef2d83\",\n" +
				"   \"parentSpanID\": \"bbe20e919b94f710\",\n" +
				"   \"operationName\": \"" + operationName + "\",\n" +
				"   \"references\": [],\n" +
				"   \"startTime\": 1510878645507000,\n" +
				"   \"duration\": 129000,\n" +
				"   \"tags\": [\n" +
				"     {\n" +
				"       \"key\": \"mvc.controller.class\",\n" +
				"       \"type\": \"string\",\n" +
				"       \"value\": \"Apis\"\n" +
				"     },\n" +
				"     {\n" +
				"       \"key\": \"mvc.controller.method\",\n" +
				"       \"type\": \"string\",\n" +
				"       \"value\": \"pong\"\n" +
				"     },\n" +
				"     {\n" +
				"       \"key\": \"source\",\n" +
				"       \"type\": \"string\",\n" +
				"       \"value\": \"KevinWasPong\"\n" +
				"     },\n" +
				"     {\n" +
				"       \"key\": \"spring.instance_id\",\n" +
				"       \"type\": \"string\",\n" +
				"       \"value\": \"\"\n" +
				"     },\n" +
				"     {\n" +
				"       \"key\": \"span.kind\",\n" +
				"       \"type\": \"string\",\n" +
				"       \"value\": \"server\"\n" +
				"     }\n" +
				"   ],\n" +
				"   \"logs\": [],\n" +
				"   \"processID\": \"\",\n" +
				"   \"process\": {\n" +
				"     \"serviceName\": \"service2\",\n" +
				"     \"tags\": [\n" +
				"       {\n" +
				"         \"key\": \"ip\",\n" +
				"         \"type\": \"int64\",\n" +
				"         \"value\": \"-1407964677\"\n" +
				"       }\n" +
				"     ]\n" +
				"   },\n" +
				"   \"warnings\": null,\n" +
				"   \"startTimeMillis\": 1510878645507\n" +
				" }";


※Test Code 설명

ESIntegTestCase 확장:
 해당 클래스는 Elasticsearch의 통합 테스트를 위해 제공되는 ESIntegTestCase를 확장한다.
설정 메서드:
 setUp 메서드가 Elasticsearch 클라이언트를 초기화하기 위해 override한다.
테스트 메서드:
 searchOpenTracesByOperationName 및 searchOpenTracesByTraceID 메서드는 각각 operationName, traceID를 기반 으로 검색을 수행하고, AssertJ의 BDDAssertions를 사용하여 검색 결과에 대한 어설션을 수행한다.
문서 인덱싱:
 indexOpenTraceDocument 메서드는 Spring Data Elasticsearch 클라이언트를 사용하여 Elasticsearch에 open trace 문서를 인덱싱합니다.
데이터 생성:
 generateOpenTrace 메서드는 traceID, spanID, operationName 및 tag와 같은 다양한 필드를 포함하는 open trace을 나타내는 샘플 JSON 문서를 생성한다.
라이선스 정보:
 코드는 Apache License, Version 2.0에 따라 라이선스가 부여되었음을 시작 부분에 명시한다.



유닛(Unit) 테스트 예시

 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
package es.example.test.unit;

import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType;
import org.elasticsearch.test.ESTestCase;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class EsUnitTest extends ESTestCase {

    public void simpleEsTest() {
        // GIVEN
        String indexName = "example_index";
        String documentId = "1";
        String documentSource = "{\"field\": \"value\"}";

        // WHEN
        IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest(indexName)
                .source(documentSource, XContentType.JSON);
        IndexResponse indexResponse = client().index(indexRequest, COMMON_OPTIONS);

        // THEN
        assertEquals("created", indexResponse.getResult().name());
        assertTrue(indexResponse.getVersion() > 0);



Github (source code)



elastic-search-test/src/test/java/es/example/test/integration/EsIntegrationTest.java at master · joel-costigliola/elastic-searc

ESIntegTestCase example. Contribute to joel-costigliola/elastic-search-test development by creating an account on GitHub.






 - 끝 - 
